Small-Scale | Regenerative | No-Till

We don’t use any pesticides or herbicides, and almost all of our farm work is done by hand without the help of machinery.

Compost is black gold.

It’s teeming with nutrients, organisms, and mycelium. At Prairie’s Edge, we create our own and prioritize the use of it as a way to amend our soil. We’ve found it creates heartier plants, more nutrient-dense produce, and abundant blooms. 

We try to know all the sources in our compost pile. 

Our compost is primarily organic waste from the garden, finely ground mulch from our township, leaves from our property, green silage from a local source, and ash from our fireplace. Once it has been broken down, all of our food waste and plant matter from growing is added back into the soil.

Small but Mighty

We are a team of two. Years ago we ran in the same circle of friends. Now we run a small farm and spend pretty much every waking minute together. If it wasn’t for Derek’s ducklings and a warm invitation to join him on the farm, planting sunflowers on a glowing summer day, we may never have realized how great we were together. Emily joined Derek’s decade-long quest to grow pesticide-free produce and swiflty added copious amounts of flowers to the garden. We have been growing together since 2020!

Two people posing in a colorful flower garden with sunflowers in the background.
Woman in a garden with colorful flowers and sunflowers, wearing orange overalls and a white shirt, against a clear blue sky.
Two people standing in a garden under a metal arch, surrounded by colorful flowers and plants, with blue sky in the background.
Woman standing amongst her dahlias

  • Manager, Assistant Grower

    Flowers were always catching Emily’s attention but it was her love for cooking and eating that pushed her to want to grow her own food. Primarily stuck doing work in the customer service and marketing world, she quickly realized that she missed digging in the dirt and creating things with her hands. Farming gave her a renewed sense of purpose. She is at her happiest curled up with a good book, wandering the garden, or nibbling on something delicious (like her favorites fresh bread or cheese).

  • Lead Grower, Founder

    Derek’s whole world changed when he found himself too sick to enjoy daily life. Faced with these challenges he decided to radically change his diet. He began growing his own food out of necessity for fresh, nutrient-dense, organic produce. This new passion led him to explore permaculture, regenerative techniques, and no-till gardening. His newfound love and appreciation for food took him to culinary school and allowed him to explore the traditions and processes more deeply. After working in several professional kitchens, and a short foray into the Austin food scene, he returned to the midwest to devote himself to expanding the garden and sharing his love of growing, cooking, and teaming up with likeminded chefs.

Looking for something else?

We love finding new varieties and offering an array of different plants to our customers.

Perhaps you are interested in a certain type of vegetable or flower, or you prefer something specific (more/less ripe, larger/smaller) or a bulk order of something in particular. Reach out and let us know!