Derek Kessler Derek Kessler

September - CSA Box #8

As one season ends and another begins, we are starting to get a full picture of what the final weeks of the CSA will hold. Many things are still growing but a few things may not finish and fully ripen on the vine. We have finally pulled all of our potatoes but still have sweet potatoes going strong in our garden section known as Old World. Our winter squash is still chugging away and we hope to have Delicata and Butternut to share (fingers crossed).

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CSA 2023 Derek Kessler CSA 2023 Derek Kessler

August - CSA Box #6

It’s more than halfway through the growing season and we are pretty happy with how things have gone. We are endlessly pulling weeds and behind on planting fall cover crops that will regenerate our soil. It is a nonstop to-do list and a race to the first frost at this point. It’s crazy to think in just a couple short weeks we will begin putting the garden to rest. Feeling a bit of the farmer’s fatigue but pushing through to bring ya’ll some tasty produce and lush bouquets.

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CSA 2023 Derek Kessler CSA 2023 Derek Kessler

August - CSA Box #5

Can you believe it’s August? We can’t! The summer is flying by and we are already starting to plan for fall crops, end-of-year harvests, and next year’s seed purchases and garden plans. This box is a delight due to such a wide variety of items being available and ripe for picking. We were also blessed with milder weather for the days that we were harvesting.

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CSA 2023 Derek Kessler CSA 2023 Derek Kessler

July - CSA Box #4

Summer is in full swing and we are grateful for the little amount of rain we have seen. The fact that we are able to pull produce that is anything close to the quality of a grocery store is pretty amazing in these conditions. Many of the spring crops we intended to have finished earlier are just being pulled, but they still look great. As things are harvested, space is opening up for the planting of cold-weather crops that will be ready this fall. It is a great time to see the garden; things are really starting to take off.

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CSA 2023 Derek Kessler CSA 2023 Derek Kessler

July - CSA Box #3

It’s Week #3 and July is here! Though summer storms have been tearing through the Midwest lately, we have been missed with most of that much-needed water. Things are growing, blooming, and flourishing nonetheless. We are getting ready to harvest and cure our garlic and onions, and the dahlias have started to form flowers!

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CSA 2023 Derek Kessler CSA 2023 Derek Kessler

June - CSA Box #2

Welcome to Week #2! We were in the midst of a drought, but are grateful for the rain this weekend. We’ve been watering like our lives depend on it. We thought a few things would be ready, but nature had other plans. Still pleased to share the bounty and a mix of herbs, produce, and (finally) a more extensive variety of flowers. We spent a large part of this month converting mowed area into usable growing space and the garden is filling up!

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